Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The 2 Reasons You are NOT Losing Weight

                    #1 You Aren't Working "Hard Enough"
Remember: It's Called A 'Work'out!

You aren't pushing yourself.

People who aren’t used to working out, don’t really know what it feels like to push themselves.  So, when they exercise they simply ‘go through the motions’.  

Simply put - you have to exert yourself.

For instance; walking or running on a treadmill; or going for a run – while talking on a cell phone or talking with your workout partner is an example of NOT exerting yourself.

The rate of oxygen to carbon dioxide exchange should be high enough to the point of you only being able to do one or the other – not do both.
This is why when you see people ‘giving it their all’ they ‘gasp, yell, grunt, or make some kind of exclamation’.  It takes oxygen to talk. 

It also takes oxygen to exercise.  To divide your oxygen consumption is to divide your efforts.

Another example would be to imagine yourself trying to carry on a conversation … while holding something heavy above your head, trying not to let it fall on you.  You can’t do it.  You can’t do it, because your muscles need oxygenated blood in order to be useful.  

If you were holding a 50lbs to 100lbs brick above your head while someone was asking you 50 questions – sooner or later, you’d stop answering (and probably tell them to shut-up) because you answering is using precious oxygen; oxygen your muscles need to keep that brick in the air.  

Most often, people think when they are “out of breath” they are pushing too hard and they ease up.  But that is actually how you break your ‘plateau’.  

You have to hit your peak EVERYTIME you work out.  Otherwise, you’re merely wasting your time.

The human body adapts to whatever demands you put on in. If the demand you put upon your body in the gym (strolling) is the same as you do during your day to day life (strolling) your body will not change!
#2 You simply refuse to 
change your eating habits
Look- Do the Math!

Many people believe that since they are working out, they can continue eating the way they always have. 

This belief comes from tv, movies, magazines and etc  – catering to ‘what you want to hear’.

Simply put.   

We don’t get fat due to not working out.  We get fat because we eat more calories than we burn.

Ponder that.  Say it out loud. Here it is again.

We don’t get fat due to not working out.  We get fat because we eat more calories than we burn.


A calorie is made up of Carbs, Fats, & Protein.  Every calorie is different due to the percentage of each of these items. 

You could eat a calorie that is 50% Carb, 25% Fat & 25% Protein.  Or, 10% Carb, 0% Fat, 90% Protein.  You get the idea.

When you have bad eating habits and you get big, you’re eating more calories than you’re burning, and you’re putting on body fat.  This is because the majority of the calories you’re eating are high in Carbs and high in Fat.

When you have good eating habits and you get big; you’re still eating more calories than your burning, but you’re putting on muscle.  This is because the majority of the calories you’re eating are high in Protein.

When you have good eating habits and you’re staying the same size; you’re eating the same amount of calories that you’re burning, so you’re staying the same size.


Eating ‘healthy’ is not the same as eating for weight loss.  The key is to eat healthy while eating for weight loss.

Your Caloric burn has to be higher than your caloric intake.  When people ‘go through the motions’ in the gym AND they refuse to change their eating habits … they are literally just wasting time, money, and effort because they will NEVER reach their goal of losing weight.

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