Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Are You Really Ready to Lower Your Cholesterol?

The high levels of cholesterol in the body are happening more and more often.  And it’s going to continue as long as people keep eating the way they do.  

Sure, family history plays a part in the scenario, but having a diet that’s high in refined, processed, & fatty foods doesn’t really help, now does it?

ALL animals produce cholesterol naturally; including Humans.  The body produces all it needs to function.  The problem comes into play when we eat other animals (or animal by-products).  This only compounds the amount of cholesterol in our bodies.  When the level of cholesterols multiplies faster than our bodies can eliminate it

… we end up with HIGH CHOLESTEROL!  Ta-Daaaaaa!

So, is there one food that can be called the ‘best to lower cholesterol’?  No, not really.  Whole-Grains is just a part of the puzzle.  It takes a well-balanced diet, which includes a wide variety of whole-foods (and vigorous exercise) to lower cholesterol.  

Consuming whole-foods is essential to balanced nutrition.  The foods we consume now-a-days is VERY nutritionally deficient.  It’s refined (meaning processed; not ‘made better’).  We need to eat many more ‘whole foods’  

For example:  

Flour comes from wheat, but wheat is tan or brown; and its green prior to harvest.  So, why is flour white? Well, because it’s been ‘refined’; meaning, the most vital nutrients has been taken out of it.


Because the “living” nutrients has been removed to pro-long it’s shelf life.  It doesn’t spoil as quickly but that’s because there is nothing ‘alive’ about it!

French Fries (or is it potatoes) are the most consumed ‘vegetable’ in the US But we know there is absolutely NO nutritional value in French Fries!  Yet, we eat them more than any other vegetable. 

Instead of drinking cows milk or mixing it with your bowl of TOTAL Cereal, it is best to use Almond or Soy milk instead. The taste is a little different, but different doesn’t always mean bad.  Either way, I’ll tell you like I’m sure your parents told you; and as you tell your kid “I don’t care if you don’t like it.  Drink it anyway. It’s good for you.”

(Side Bar)
Don’t you find it funny that Humans are the only species that makes a conscious effort to not only drink milk well into adult hood, but also drink the milk of another species?  Isn’t that interesting?


Chicken is not the best food choice, but it a start …but not if this is fried. Those who want to eat it still can, but if you must eat it at least remove the skin.  

The healthiest meat to have comes from the ocean. Fish (with scales) are known to carry Omega 3, which is very effective in lowering the levels of cholesterol.

Eating a candy bar or a slice of cake doesn’t seem so bad, but these things are rich in fat. So if you’re just looking for something to munch on, you should try nuts or fruits instead. These products are rich in fiber and they have vitamins and minerals that are healthier to consume.

In each meal, you should ALWAYS have colorful (red, orange, green, etc.) leafy vegetables.  And the less cooking you do to them, the better.  And also, if you are eating meat, keep the portions small and eat your veggies last.  The veggies will act as a broom and help flush out the meat products you just ate.

We all need whole-food nutrition.  I know how bad today’s food is.  I personally consume several supplements to get as much proper nutrition as I can.

Not only do I not eat beef, pork, chicken, or turkey; I drink a nutritionally dense Meal Shake called Shakeology.  It’s a Beachbody (makers of P90X) product that you can order.  I was introduced to it before I became a Beachbody Coach.

I also drink Century Systems - Miracle 2000 Total Body Nutrition, 32 fl oz liquid
, which is a liquid vitamin that provides all essential vitamins and all 72 trace minerals plus aloe.

A great souce for additional information is Dr Fuhrmans Book:  Cholesterol Protection for Life
There are many ways that you can prepare the foods I’ve mentioned.  Do a little investigative work; make a conscious effort to refine (as in to make better) your diet.  Get off the meat and meat by-products and eat more whole foods.  If you must eat meat, make it lean meats and eat them in small quantities.

You can get cookbooks from virtually anywhere. But either way, you want to be able to come up with something delicious and nutritionally dense enough to help lower your cholesterol level.

If reading and then following instructions is hard, there are always shows on television that teach you the basics of cooking something fat free which is good for the diet.

It is never too late to make some lifestyle and changes in order to live a longer and healthier life.

1 comment:

  1. Another good read - I must say I really do like steak, pork, and fried chicken. I don't eat them weekly, but I like them. Also - I appreciate places like Chickfila that offer grilled chicken and to pay a little extra for a whole wheat bun. I find eating healthier requires more prep time - just need to commit more.
