Sunday, February 5, 2012

Commit to Attaining a Sexy Body

In today's modern society, you have to consider that being fit means being attractive. 

Besides, you would have more sex appeal if you have a great looking body instead of having those extra pounds in your body. So, if you want to look and feel sexy and also have more self confidence, you have to consider starting and sticking with a fitness program for your body.
If you saw TV and fitness magazine advertising before, you have to admit that the fitness models looks so attractive showing off their sexy and fit body.   

You should know: “YOU” aren’t the only one who has shown me a picture of the body they want.
If you want to achieve that beach-ready body, you have to consider how vigorous are you working out. You have to realize the fact that having a well-toned and sexy body not only means that you will be very attractive it will also mean that your heart and the rest of your body will be healthy as well. 

By working out, you will be less at risk for heart diseases and other diseases such as diabetes.
There are quite a lot of benefits that exercising or working out can provide. Aside from the fact that you will look attractive and have more self-confidence, you can prevent diseases from affecting you.
What if you are always very busy at work?   Well, I will tell you; your heart doesn’t care!
You have to consider that some of these actress and singers (who everyone brings up when the discussion of “who is hot” ) are also a mom or are very busy at work.  Sure, a lot of them have assistance, nannies, etc. but a lot of them don't. 
Working out to have a great looking body applies to everyone. You have to consider that there are a lot of fitness programs available today. There are fitness programs for pre & post natal moms and there are also different fitness programs for “used to be a high school football star” career driven men.
If you saw moms and career women who look like fitness models, you have to wonder “When do they have the time?” RIGHT?  

I heard Donald Trump say: "Everyone gets 24hours in a day!  Rich or Poor, we all get the same amount of time."  

How much of your time are you using to improve yourself?
It’s simple (not easy, but simple) just by having enough discipline and dedication for fitness, it will be possible for you to get that healthy looking body that you have always wanted.
If you don’t have time to join Black Phoenix Boot Camp, you can always have me create an at home workout routine for you.   

Many people today desire having a great looking and sexy and fit body. However, you have to consider that many women try everything only to have little or no results at all. Sometimes, women try different kinds of diets where it can be very dangerous for their health by depriving the proper nutrients that their body needs.
They also try cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction just to have a great looking body. However, these methods can just give you thin body. It will not eventually give you a fit and well toned body.
So, if you want a well-toned body like those of fitness models, you have to consider working out & working out hard in order to have it. It is a natural way and it is also beneficial to your health.  Do what you can … but DO WHAT YOU CAN! DON’T DOG IT!
Khalil Shabazz; CPT, CMASCC

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, nice post and a good source of information. It really shows that you're an expert in this field. I'm looking for some information about bootcamp programs geelong in this site. Anyways, thanks for sharing. Cheers!
