Friday, May 2, 2014

A Client Asked Me For A Refund

A client signed up for the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program.  After he initial assessment she gave me a list of foods that she didn't eat.  I created a meal plan according to her dietary needs.  She came to class 4 times a week.  Sometimes she'd do 2 classes back-to-back.
Long story short.
After her program expired she was disappointed at her lack of results.  We had the standard conversation: "Did you do this, that, and the other?" She said she did everything I told her to do; except she didn't like my meal plan ... so she created her own.  Of course, this frustrated me to no end because she never told me she had issues with her meal plan.
None-the-lest, she signed back up ... but for a regular No Meal Plan Kickboxing program.  A month goes by and she continues to complain about her lack of results.  I explained to her (yet again) how important her meals are to her fitness goals.  I said it was "your" meal plan that got you the body you hate so much.  So you come to me for help; yet, you do not take my help.  You pick and choose.  Hence, repeating your same old habits while trying to achieve brand new results. 
She said, but your meal plan doesn't have any "cheat days".  I replied: "So is THAT why you didn't follow the meal plan I created for you - every single week?!?!  I continued: "You don't need any cheat days!  Cheat days is what got you and I to meet!

You've cheated long enough and look at what it's gotten you - you're unhappy with your body!  I'm telling you what you need to do, but your still going off of what you think you know.  If your knowledge has given an undesired result, then it's time for you to seek and apply higher knowledge.

Surely you should know by now that you do not know what you’re doing.

She said: But everybody can eat what they want and I have to count this and measure that ... why can't I just "EAT"?!  I'm sick of this!"

I said: Sick of what?  You haven't done anything long enough to get sick of it!  You need discipline.  That’s all, just good old fashion discipline.  Think about it.  You signed up for a 3 week program.  You started making changes to the meal plan, what- the first week, maybe?  Then you throughout the meal plan option, figuring that you’re wasting money, because obviously you can plan meals just as good as I can … so why pay extra.

But look at the results you’re getting!  Over the past 9 weeks you lost 2 lbs! 

She says: I also lost $100+ something dollars.

I said: No, you didn’t “lose it”.  You simply chose to spend it frivolously.  You know what you did with it … you didn’t lose it.  You spent it on something that you took for granted.  If anything you wasted your time … and mine.  Because apparently I give a crap way more than you do about your success!  You got me wrecking my brain trying to figure out why you aren’t losing and your round here eating a bunch of crap that I didn’t approve.  You know it takes TIME to write meal plans?  It takes effort!  I do a lot of thinking, calculating, pondering, researching, on and on and on to give you what you need … and you just poo-poo it like I don’t know what I’m doing.  There are 3500 calories to 1 lbs!  If you burn 1000 calories over a week – YOU STILL HAVE NOT LOST 1 POUND!  I say it time and time and time and time again, you HAVE TO address your eating to make up the difference.  It’s not me, its math!

I continued my rant but things ended with her asking for a refund.

I said: Refunds are for clients who follow my instructions and are still unhappy.  She said that I'll be hearing from her husband.  I told her I'd be more than happy to talk to him.

1 comment:

  1. Smh. Shame. We have seen the results of those who follow. And we have seen the non results of those who don't! You can lead a horse to water....
